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3 Tips for Meditations in a Meditation Pyramid

As we know, meditation is a powerful tool for achieving inner peace, self-awareness, and personal growth. However, when combined with the energy of a pyramid, meditation takes on a whole new dimension. Pyramids can accumulate and concentrate the Earth's energy, creating an energetic vortex inside that harmonizes and cleanses both the space and the human mind and body. Meditation in a copper pyramid, which is an excellent conductor of energy, can lead to deeper self-connection, more intense meditation, and a more effective cleansing of the energetic system. Below, you’ll find three meditation tips that will help you harness the pyramid’s potential to the fullest. Get inspired.

Sit in Silence and Peace (Zazen Meditation)

Zazen is a seated meditation technique focused on achieving inner peace and spiritual understanding. The pyramid enhances the effects of this meditation by amplifying energy concentration.

How to practice:

  • Preparation: Sit comfortably inside the pyramid, cross your legs or choose the lotus position, and keep your spine straight. Place your hands on your knees or clasp them in your lap.

  • Breathing: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Feel the air entering and leaving your lungs. Try to concentrate on each inhale and exhale, anchoring your mind in the present moment.


  • Observing the Mind: Let your thoughts flow freely without getting carried away by them. The pyramid's energy will concentrate within your body, helping you achieve a deeper sense of calm and focus.

Mindfulness: Living in the Present Moment

Mindfulness meditation is centered on consciously experiencing the present moment. The pyramid’s structure allows you to better perceive subtle energies and connect with your body and mind. It’s simple and suitable for everyday practice.

How to practice:

  • Start: Sit comfortably inside the pyramid, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.

  • Focus on Breath: Direct your attention to your breath. Feel your chest rising and falling as the air enters and exits your body.

  • Observe the Moment: Notice any thoughts, emotions, or bodily sensations that arise. Don’t try to change or suppress them—just observe and accept them as they are. The pyramid’s energy will help you stay balanced and relaxed.

TIP: You can also try this with your eyes open, focusing on sounds or touching your skin or the surface beneath you. Engage your senses and give them your full attention.

Loving-Kindness Meditation: Cultivating Compassion and Love (Mettá Meditation)

Loving-kindness meditation (Mettá) is a technique that fosters feelings of compassion, love, and peace. The pyramid’s energy amplifies your intentions and helps spread them not only within yourself but also outward.

How to practice:

  • Sit Down: Comfortably sit inside the pyramid and close your eyes. Begin with a few deep breaths to relax.

  • Heart Focus: Direct your attention to your heart area. Imagine your heart radiating light that expands throughout your body with each inhale.

  • Sending Kindness: Start by sending love and kindness to yourself. You can repeat mantras like “May I be happy, may I be healthy.” Then, extend this feeling to your loved ones, friends, and finally to all beings. The pyramid’s energy will help intensify these feelings and spread them into the world.

Meditating in a copper pyramid is a unique experience that can enhance the effects of any meditation technique. Whether you choose Zazen, Mindfulness, or Loving-Kindness Meditation, use the power of the pyramid to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you. With regular practice, you’ll find that the pyramid’s energy can strengthen your mental and physical health, bring peace and balance to your life, and open new pathways for personal growth. Plus, it’s a delightful addition to any spiritual practice.