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Peruvian Magic Khuja Stones

The beautiful warm days and evenings are beginning, which are perfect for energy work in nature. Wherever we travel, we carry a pouch with shamanic Khujas, as their support is timeless.

The Maestros and healers from the Qero tribe in the Sacred Valley, from whom these stones originate, practically never let them go. They wear the pouch on their waist and work with the stones either individually or with the entire pouch, "drawing" natural and cosmic energy into it and then "emitting" it as healing energy to various places on the body.

This set of stones and the cloth in which they are wrapped is often referred to as a "Mesa" (meaning sacred altar), as this collection represents the magical practice of working with the earth's healing power.

Check out our instructional video, which shows how the stones work and how to use them in practice.