When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

Practical Guide to Meditation Pyramids

Dear friends,

Copper pyramids are one of the most valuable treasures of our gallery, and many of you are interested in how this tool works, how to handle it, or why we believe it makes sense to utilize the power of pyramids not only for meditation practice. In the following responses to the most frequently asked questions, you'll find a practical guide for working with this "gift from the heavens.

What is a Pyramid and Pyramid Energy?

All ancient civilizations of the planet (from Asia, Southern Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, India, Africa, etc.) undeniably reached similar knowledge in observing the flows and accumulation of subtle energy in the physical space of the Earth. They all learned how to utilize this power for their benefit and where to avoid its sharp or destructive flow. One of the most widespread tools or "machines" for capturing beneficial energy has always been and still is the shape of a pyramid.

Due to its ability to accumulate Earth energy and direct it upward, the pyramid shape has become one of the oldest so-called energy radiators. In the center of a pyramidal structure, an energetic vortex rises, which positively vibrates and influences the surrounding area. There is generally a cleansing and harmonization of the space around the structure. Additionally, the vortex that forms directly in the center of the pyramid can be used for personal work. For example, Egyptian priests intentionally worked in catacombs deep beneath the pyramid (where the vortex forms within the Earth), using resonant tools to amplify the power and thus achieve high-vibrational states of consciousness.

Interestingly, the pyramid shape does not need to have precisely defined mathematical proportions derived from the most famous pyramids in Egypt. For the flow of energy, the angle of the individual edges is not as significant. We also offer pyramids with sharper slopes, known as Nubian pyramids. However, the shape of the base should ideally remain square, as this functions energetically the best. Perhaps this is because this shape symmetrically concentrates the energy precisely into the central line.

Why is it Important to Pay Attention to the Material of the Pyramid and Its Orientation?

The material from which the pyramids are constructed is indeed crucial. The fact is that, similar to electrical energy conduction, some natural elements are more conductive than others. Precious metals such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, and minerals—especially quartz and its variants or silicate sands—have always been valued as the "most conducive." You can even feel this difference physically, which is why we ensure high-quality materials and do not offer pyramids made of plastic, for example.

The orientation of the pyramids is also important; one side should always point directly to the north. This is not a random invention or superstition of ancient esoteric sciences. Proper orientation of the object ensures connection to the geomagnetic (north-south) lines of the Earth, activating it to draw this energy into its base. From the base, the energy is then drawn upward through the structure, and it returns above the structure. This creates a toroidal complex of cleansing energy exchange. This is the desired harmonization and positive impact on the surrounding area that we experience.

What Are the Effects of Pyramid Energy? How Can It Be Practically Used Today?

The positive effects of pyramid energy are indeed numerous. People experience many interesting states associated with the movement of energy from the Earth to the peak and back. This can include warmth, tingling, buzzing, or even immense oceanic relaxation, balance, and comfort.

Here are some of the most basic benefits of pyramids:

  • Immediate improvement in concentration

  • Excellent tool for meditation

  • Activation of chakras/energy centers

  • Support for the upward movement of Kundalini energy along the spine

  • Great for learning and creative endeavors

  • Relief from tension, harmonization of energies

  • Stress reduction

  • Support for health and acceleration of healing

  • Increases the level of consciousness

  • Promotes lucid dreaming

  • Balances emotional fluctuations

  • Plants grow faster here

  • Animals intuitively sleep and enjoy being here

Do I Need a Pyramid at Home? What If I Don't Have Space?

This is a common question. Some of our pyramids are indeed impressive in size and can occupy an entire bed's space. That’s why we created a smaller version of the Nubian pyramid with a base of only 1m x 1m, which is much more compact and still allows for comfortable seating for meditation and other work. In this smaller pyramid, you can also lie down comfortably; it doesn't matter if your feet extend beyond the pyramid's space.

If you're interested in a different size, feel free to contact us.

The pyramid does not have to be limited to indoor use; you can leave it outdoors or on a terrace all year round. The small Nubian pyramid can be easily taken with you to the woods or to your favorite power spot! Just cleverly tie the individual poles together and carry it over your shoulder.

How and Where Are Pyramids Made?

Our pyramids are made by yoga practitioners in India. They understand very well that for meditation and mental concentration, which is so difficult to achieve today due to information overload, it is an invaluable aid. They often meditate outdoors under trees, using tarps for sun protection, so the pyramid also serves as a tent. The pyramids are made by welding copper pieces, and the Indian artisans prepare ingenious connecting elements for the poles. This manufacturing process is very demanding, involving precise angle connections in three directions. We couldn't find a supplier in Europe who could accomplish this. We then have ordinary copper rods cut to fit into the finished connections, which complete the entire assembly.

Can I Assemble the Pyramid Myself?

Yes, meditation pyramids are very simple to assemble. We send a brief instruction booklet with pictures and steps along with the package; the same can be found in the description on our e-shop. Essentially, it consists of 8 poles and 5 connecting elements that fit into each other. The joints need to be sealed with adhesive tape for better stability. We are happy to assist you with the assembly over the phone as well!