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Ritual for Lucid Dreaming with Apatite

In the following text, you will learn how to work with the beautifully blue Apatite, whose properties will be appreciated especially by those who meditate and aim to enhance their mental abilities. Apatite is an extraordinary helper in practicing the expansion of consciousness, both in the waking state and during lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a legitimate and incredibly therapeutic technique that can not only help you understand the significance of dreams and map the subconscious space but also serve as a good stepping stone for journeys beyond the physical body.


  • The evening before sleeping, take the stone in your hands (you can do this on your bed) and say silently or aloud: “I activate and strengthen my consciousness to receive the messages of this night.” You can repeat this sentence multiple times.

  • Then place the stone on your nightstand close to your head (you can also put it under your pillow) and prepare a notebook and a pen beside it.

  • Lie down and close your eyes; just before falling asleep, you might want to repeat, “My consciousness is open, and my dreams are aware.”

  • In the morning, as soon as you wake up, quickly write down what you dreamed, even in brief notes. Please don’t force yourself to understand it right away; understanding will come throughout the day and in the days to follow.

  • In the following days and weeks, you will begin to orient yourself in your dreams, you will start to understand them better, and eventually, you will know what to do in various situations and how to navigate the dream space until one day you realize that you are consciously engaging in some activity in a dream and can direct the storyline. It’s a wonderful feeling, and it’s not difficult to achieve. Apatite opens the gates of consciousness and acts as an amplifier of all your attained abilities.

  • You can combine the mentioned ritual with other favorite techniques for lucid dreaming. Creativity knows no bounds.