When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

Spring Cleansing Within and Around: Part 1

Spring Cleansing Within and Around – Part 1: CLEANSING YOUR SPACE

Friends, spring is here, and we feel the need for change. If you resonate with this, we invite you to join our three-part cleansing challenge, which is perfectly timed for this season.

It is an ancient truth that for better energy flow in our lives, it is essential to declare an uncompromising clean-up now and then! Nature is renewing itself, and so are our bodies, making it a natural time to reassess, reorganize, and simplify. As you might suspect, we wouldn’t be ourselves if our contribution didn’t have a deeper meaning, connecting external cleansing with inner, mental, emotional, and spiritual cleansing. In the Andean Indian system, there is continuous care for a pure flow of high-vibration energy called SAMI. Without it, we stagnate, go in circles, and lose motivation.

We highly recommend trying at least a few of the tips we've gathered for this year's spring "self-renewal," following the order in which we publish them. We will proceed from clearing your surroundings to cleansing the body, and finally to mental cleansing. In this first part, we will focus on external cleansing—specifically, tidying up the space that surrounds us. This can be your home, apartment, or office. Choose what feels right for you.

The goal of our spring challenge is for you to select at least two areas to tackle during the week. Are you in? Check out our tips and choose what feels most comfortable for you.


1. Remove Clutter and Disorder from Your Interior:

Start by physically clearing any mess in your living space. Organize items into their designated places. Get large boxes and, without compromise, donate or discard anything you haven’t touched in the last two months. Embrace minimalism; it’s the quickest way to energize your life and move forward. Focus particularly on non-functional decorations. The items you surround yourself with should “charge” you.

2. Clean Up Your Computer, Phone, and Social Media:

This is a crucial aspect that people often overlook. We all know the chaos that builds up on our computer desktops over months. The same goes for phones—delete unnecessary apps and create a clear space. Review your social media feeds and reassess the individuals you follow. Recognize that many of them fill your feed with nonsense, distracting you and wasting your time.

3. Finish Old and Unfinished Projects:

Nothing is worse than ongoing projects and unfinished tasks. If you started a new activity a year ago, enjoyed it for a few days, and then abandoned the tools, remove them from sight (e.g., put them in the basement). These unfinished projects can keep your mind subconsciously stressed, especially if you encounter them daily. It’s crucial to clear them without emotions. You’ll feel a sense of relief immediately. Make sure no piles of mixed items linger around your home; they drain your energy.

4. Regularly Purify Your Space with Sage and Other Essences:

Sage is perhaps the most well-known sacred smoke, but Palo Santo and other resins or shamanic essences also have deeply cleansing effects on us and our environment. Many cultures that use sacred smoke prepare and set the tone for a meditative, deep, and relaxed experience, but it can also be used daily for ordinary cleansing. These sacred smokes undoubtedly cleanse, purify, and elevate the energy in our minds/bodies and our spaces.

5. Invest in Quality Energy Emitters – Crystals, etc.:

For all the unnecessary decorations, mugs, figurines, and dust collectors you’ve removed, consider acquiring at least one beautiful crystal or mineral of your choice. We love crystals because they are truly a blessing for the flow of energy in a space. Crystals and minerals come from the Earth, so when we work with them, they connect us to the healing and grounding energy of the planet. Many also effectively block electromagnetic and other negative energies in a place. They are also excellent protection and support for higher vibrations during meditation and focus. For example, Green Fluorite alleviates stress, while Carnelian supports health and recovery. You can read more about how to choose the right crystal on our website or in our previous blogs.