When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

How to Choose Your Stone?

How to Choose Your Stone?

You’ve likely encountered many complicated esoteric guides on choosing a mineral based on your zodiac sign, a specific angel, or the stone's ability to heal certain ailments. We recommend a completely different approach to working with minerals. We focus on the stone's basic characteristics, determined by its origin and the energetic memory it brings into our space.

Minerals are primarily tools and helpers for energetically attuning our minds and emotions. Their beauty elevates us and aesthetically fascinates us as natural creations that adorn our homes. They can be appreciated purely as timelessly elegant, solitary gems that enhance both private and public interiors. But we can also delve deeper into their essence and use them in spiritual and personal development work. It’s important to understand that stones alone won't do the work for you—they’re not a magic talisman that will suddenly make everything clear. However, if it feels natural for you to engage in mystical and spiritual practices, they will serve as valuable support, magical objects, and sources of inspiration.

Our gallery classifies minerals based on their role in working with the subconscious (in terms of their symbolic meanings) and their origin and memory (in terms of energetic and informational levels). Each specific mineral has its own unique resonance, which naturally corresponds to one or more of the energy centers within the human biofield. We believe, as do the oldest historical spiritual systems, that the state of these centers (the knots of the unconscious) influences various aspects of our lives. Therefore, when choosing the right stone, it’s important to first clarify what you want to improve, where you want to go, and what you want to focus on. With this intention in mind, you can select the type of stone that best supports your goals.

1. Choose by type

The following table provides a simple comparison of the basic characteristics associated with different types of stones. In our selection, we always briefly summarize the main focus of each stone, logically linked to the energy centers it resonates with. For example, if we want to gift a stone as a symbol of love or work with this gentle vibrational level, a suitable choice would be rose quartz, which is associated with the heart center. If we want to encourage someone’s decisiveness and independence, we might choose tiger’s eye, and so on. We would also like to encourage you to take our classification as a suggestion and feel free to trust your intuition when making your choice.


Clear Quartz

Universal Conductor and Transformer: Cleansing, charging, all energy centers, all rituals.



Rose Quartz

Love, tenderness, relationships, self-love, Munay (sacred energy), empathy, attracting people.

Duhový růženín

Rainbow Rose Quartz 

Love, care, attracting people, attracting non-physical beings, strengthening the aura, protection.



Crown, perspective, inner wisdom, magician, special mental abilities.

Žlutý kalcit

Yellow Calcite

Taste for life, happiness, healthy LIVING, contentment, personal strength, self-confidence, flexibility



Blood in veins, vitality, femininity, fertility, sexuality, relationships, stimulation and donor stone

Tygří oko

Tiger's Eye

Authority, decisiveness, insight, courage, efficiency, qualities of a ruler

Červený obsidián

Red Obsidian

Species, gender, karmic memory, regression, grounding, health, sexual power

Modrý apatit

Blue Apatite

Astral travel, lucid dreams, permeability of worlds, inner integration

Zelený fluorit

Green Fluorite

Voice of the soul, creativity, clearing and clearing of energies, focused flow, youthfulness



Abundance, productivity, prosperity, confidence, focus

Černý obsidián

Black Obsidian

Transformation, rites of passage, regression, family history, work with the unconscious

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Clairvoyance, divine connection, intuition, soul transformation, inner truthfulness, purity



Conductivity, sun, lightness, abundance, confidence, regeneration of strength



Grounding, cultivation and purification of emotions, transformation processes, withdrawal of the spirit into the Earth, health

2. The shape or grind is also important

The shape in which a mineral is found plays an important role in how its energy radiates. While its core essence remains unchanged, the way its vibrations spread in the energetic-information field is affected. In our gallery, we frequently use the shape of a free-standing obelisk, which is highly practical for holding in the hands and directs the energy in one focused direction. We also have beautiful spheres that have the pleasant ability to radiate energy evenly into their surroundings. Palm stones, natural rods, and small crystal sand each offer practical benefits that can be utilized effectively.

We also plan to offer natural mineral formations, such as clusters, so stay tuned for more surprises :)



The tower, also known as an obelisk, is a highly effective and functional shape that has been used since ancient Egypt. It was also referred to as the "Pyramidion" because it functions as an extended pyramid and shares similar properties in channeling energy. It accumulates and directs the energy flow through its center, from the base to the tip. For crystals, the shape of regular and irregular obelisks is highly natural, as they often grow this way on their own. The pointed shape activates energy flow—wherever you aim the tip, you can direct your intention or healing energy. If you place a crystal point on a table or a lighted stand, it will energetically harmonize the surrounding environment.

Koule nebo sféra


The sphere has long been a symbol of absolute wholeness, harmony, and the perfection of all creation. A sphere represents the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm, and therefore, looking into it is like gazing into the essence and depth of existence (hence its use in divination). Unlike pointed crystals, all stone spheres have the ability to emit their energy evenly in all directions.

If you place a sphere on a table or a lighted stand, it will energetically harmonize the entire surrounding environment.

Oválky a oblázky

Pound and Pebble Stones

Pebbles are the smallest stones in our Gallery, practical to hold, ideal for carrying in a bag, and frequently used in larger stone compositions. For more significant rituals, we choose larger stones, at least the size of ovals, which play an essential role in transmitting and maintaining personal energy fields, as they are easy to carry and apply to problematic areas on the body. Pound stones can be charged by fire, sun, running water, or on rocks, and then applied accordingly. Both pebbles and ovals make wonderful gifts, as they can carry various wishes and intentions to the recipient.



Crystal rods are considered complementary materials for energy work. These are small natural crystals that break off on their own, and people then collect them. They range in size from 5 to 9 centimeters. They are perfect as connecting elements in larger geometric compositions, where they form links between the main energy nodes. This strengthens the compactness and cohesion of a specially created configuration for a specific intention. We will soon discuss these configurations in detail and share more information. For independent energy work, larger quantities of minerals are more suitable.



These are small rounded crystals that form sand, and this crystal sand is an excellent connecting element for large crystalline compositions. You can energetically link all energy emitters by creating paths with the sand. Additionally, you can use the sand to create standalone mandalas based on sacred geometry, which helps activate them effectively. The sand can also be used in the rods of our meditation pyramids—filling their interior with sand will further enhance their energetic potential.

Kamenné vejce

Stone eggs

The natural egg shape is a unique energy emitter that emphasizes the deep transformative abilities of selected minerals. It is an ancient magical symbol representing the beginning of new life emerging into the world. In terms of energy emission, it falls somewhere between a sphere and a point, radiating evenly and harmoniously, yet carrying a sense of impending change and a clear activation potential. This shape aids in "awakening," "stimulating," or "triggering" inner transformation within the biological body. The egg shape holds the vibration of personal and physical metamorphosis, while also being very practical for working with the body.

3. Choose the right size

Správná velikost

Yes, the size of the mineral is indeed an essential factor for various types of energy work. When it comes to stones, it can be succinctly stated that "the bigger, the better." However, it’s not necessary to have the largest pieces when first exploring the power of rare stones. Many tasks can be effectively handled by smaller obelisks.

Generally, it is noted that for a land protection ritual, a stone weighing at least 80 grams and around 10 cm in height is needed, which can protect an area approximately 2.5 km to 12 km from its placement. Logically, as the weight of the stone increases, so does its radius of effect.

If you want a stone simply as a small gift, a visual decoration, or a protector to carry with you, choose stones that are 10-12 cm in size. For more ceremonial work, rituals, and noticeable support during meditations, you should opt for medium to large sizes, starting at around 15 cm in height and weighing approximately 400-500 grams. The deeper you wish to immerse yourself in the positive tuning of minerals, the larger pieces you will want to surround yourself with.

A separate chapter involves combining and enhancing the potency of individual emitters and stones together. This is a very positive process through which you can create an original essence of vibration for your interior or exterior using a special composition of selected pieces. Various sizes of emitters can be utilized for a chosen composition. It’s a beautiful way to consciously create an energetic setting and flow within a space. More about this work will be shared soon on our blog.