Dear customers, we accept orders until 12:00 on December 18. Orders received after this date will be shipped from January 6, 2025. We wish you a Merry Christmas, thank you for your patronage this year and look forward to your orders in 2025!

Contact Us


Tel: +420 606 383 243 (MON-FRI 10:00 - 17:00)


Office address: Sacred Gallery - Healing Arts, V Závětří 1478/6, Prague 7, Holešovice


Shop and personal collection for stones and other products:

Sacred Gallery,
V Závětří 1478/6,
170 00 Prague 7, Holešovice
Tel.: +420 606 383 243

TUE 10:00–17:00 

THU 10:00–17:00


Personal collection of images takes place directly at the press center:

PrintPoint s.r.o.,
Komerční 524,
251 01, Nupaky near Prague
Tel.: 261 219 838
MON-FRI: 9.00 - 16.30


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