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The Amazonite Ritual: Embracing All Your Parts in an Ocean of Peace

Amazonite, a stone of blue-green color with a delicate pearlescent surface, is known for its ability to harmonize and protect. Its powerful vibration affects three levels of the human biofield – the chest, neck, and head – making it an ideal stone for spiritual expansion and the connection between heart and mind. Valued since ancient times, Amazonite was used by priests, warriors, and initiates for its protective and spiritual properties. During the summer months and vacation times, Amazonite can bring you peace and balance. Utilize its vibration in today’s ritual, which you can enjoy by the sea or in the comfort of your home.

Ritual with Amazonite: Embracing All Your Parts in the Ocean of Calm

  • Find a quiet place in the evening where you won’t be disturbed. Lie down on a comfortable bed or the floor, placing the Amazonite on your chest.

    If you can’t perform the ritual by the sea or ocean, play the sound of waves.

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Breathe slowly and deeply, imagining that with each inhalation, you draw in calmness, and with each exhalation, you release tension.

  • Visualize the ocean. Hear the gentle sound of the waves and feel the refreshing sea breeze on your face. Sense its vastness, infinity, and emptiness.

    Focus on the feeling of the stone on your chest. Visualize a soft blue-green light radiating from it, spreading throughout your body and connecting with your heart.

  • Slowly and with feeling, repeat silently or aloud the mantra: “I am calm and turbulent like the ocean, and I embrace all my parts.” Let this mantra resonate in your heart and mind.

  • Imagine the energy of the ocean and Amazonite flowing through your body, releasing tension and bringing a sense of deep calm and harmony.

  • After you finish, take a moment of quiet. You can lie there for a while, feeling the effects of the ritual, or go straight to sleep, allowing the energy of Amazonite to work during your dreams.

    Amazonite, with its ability to connect heart and mind, opens the way to clear thinking, creativity, and inner harmony. When these aspects are aligned, we become confident, independent, and successful beings, ready to face any storm with calm and balance... just like the ocean, which finds its majestic calm after every storm.

TIP from Sacred Gallery: Pebble stones are great for travel, and in pairs, they are wonderful to hold during meditation. Larger ovals are perfect for ritual needs. Not only can you choose beautiful obelisks for altars or interior decor, but they can also enhance your space beautifully.