When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

Ritual for Sending Supportive Energy from a Distance with Yellow Calcite

Welcome to another blog on the topic of energy work with minerals. This time, we will explore the magical practice of working with the strongly supportive and therapeutic power of yellow calcite. You likely know someone in your life who is tired, unhappy, facing a difficult situation, or struggling with manipulation and in need of support to regain their strength. All you need is a brief moment of solitude to send them a helpful boost from afar. This practice is known as an "energetic gift"—a positive energy charge. Our focused session is similar to "distance healing," but in this case, you're simply sending an energy gift and leaving it up to the recipient how they use the support. This help has a universal nature, and the recipient doesn't even need to be aware of it. However, if you agree on a specific time with the recipient and they relax their body and mind (even for just a few minutes), you'll achieve even better results.

For the ritual, you can use any shape of this stone, but make sure the piece weighs at least 100g. This is because smaller stones typically lack the energetic penetration needed. In other words, avoid using pebbles—at least use small obelisks. Of course, natural uncut stones are also ideal.

Don't forget that the stone should be properly charged before starting the work (see the charging procedures on the stone’s page).

Ritual for Distant Energy Help

A step-by-step process for sending an energetic boost to help someone through difficult life situations.

1. Prepare Yourself
Sit or lie down in a quiet place and take three deep breaths in and out. Keep the yellow calcite within reach. You can enhance your meditation with supporting tools such as soft music or essential oils.

2. Focus on Your Heart
After the last deep exhale, close your eyes and focus on your heart space. Continue breathing calmly and visualize your heart area becoming brighter, expanding, and feeling lighter. Now, send out a request to summon the highest Source. Visualize it as a sun or a flame above your head.

3. Charge the Calcite
When you’re ready, take the stone in your hands and begin charging it with rays from the Source. With each inhale, imagine a golden, shimmering stream flowing down from above into the stone, and with each exhale, see it settling and accumulating in the stone. After a few moments, the stone will start to glow brightly in your hand.

4. Send Energy to the Recipient
Once the stone is charged, focus on the specific person you want to help. Try to picture them lying in front of you. For those who can, you may imagine creating a special bed or healing room where the process will take place.

While still holding the stone, place it onto the recipient’s abdomen in your visualization, mimicking the movement in real life (you can place it on a pillow, on the ground, or continue holding it). The recipient's body in the visualization is permeable, and it easily accepts the stone. Watch as their body begins to glow from this new source of strength, healing and regenerating itself. For those capable, you can also continue to imagine energy flowing from the Source into the stone with each inhale and releasing into the recipient's body with each exhale (a more advanced version of the practice).

5. Seal the Energy
At the end, say: "I anchor this new strength within you and welcome your boundless vitality." Once the process is finished, ask the highest Source once more to create a protective shield around your recipient.

6. Close the Ritual
Finally, open your eyes and thank the stone for helping to transfer strength. Let it rest alone for a moment, then you can return to using it as usual.

Take your time with this work, but you don't need to spend hours on it. This energy charging can be effectively completed in about 15 minutes.