When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

Ritual of Effective Cleansing with Red Obsidian

Red obsidian is a gentler version of black obsidian; it beautifully grounds and connects us with our roots. In the following ritual, we will utilize the significant ability of this mineral to absorb all non-functional and shadowy blocks from your body.

Ritual Description:

  • Lie down or sit in a comfortable place, whether in the garden, nature, or home.

  • In this exercise, we will use two obsidian stones, so we recommend getting two pieces (it’s fine if one is black and the other red). If you only have one, please choose a larger piece.

  • Place (ideally) two obsidian stones on both sides of your body near your hands.

  • Next, doing a few muscle contraction and relaxation exercises for the whole body is good, so your muscle tone relaxes as much as possible (overall about 3 minutes).

  • After stretching, hold the stones in both hands and let them naturally rest by your sides.

  • Now comes the phase of maximum relaxation. Try to clear your mind, perhaps play some relaxing music, and rest in complete calm.

  • Once you feel relaxed, silently or aloud, ask Pachamama (Mother Earth) or the material world to cleanse everything from you that no longer serves you through these stones. Feel free to mentally list the troubles or worries you want to let go of. Already at this stage, you might feel the stones beginning to work, magnetically drawing away your emotional and other pains.

  • You can further assist by imagining with each exhale that everything old and non-functional is flowing from your entire body, through your hands, into the stones. Literally “hand over” these contents to the stones as a relay in the earthly cycle (note: the larger the stones, the stronger their magnetism).

  • Do this exercise for at least 10 minutes, but you can extend it to an hour or even pleasantly fall asleep during it :) You only start the process, and then the stones work on their own.