When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

Ritual of Reconciliation with a Specific Person Using Fluorite

If you are having trouble understanding someone and need to find "common ground" or reach a consensus, you can try the following ritual. This time, your guide will be the beautiful green mineral fluorite. Simply choose a comfortable place at home, in the garden, or nature, and we can begin!


  • In this ritual, you will energetically connect with the other person at the level of an energy center, either in the throat or the chest. If you need to align with the person on a mental or verbal level, choose the throat. If you wish to reconcile on an emotional level, choose the heart. If you need both, focus on one center first and then the other.

  • Take three deep breaths in and out. Then, take the fluorite in your hand and place or hold it against your heart or throat (depending on your preference).

  • Now, begin to focus on your chosen energy center and try to breathe in and out through the stone. This alone is a wonderfully relaxing and cleansing process. The stone will naturally connect with your center through this breathing.

  • Continue breathing, and imagine the person sitting or standing in front of you. Don’t take any action, simply observe them, including their possible reactions, even negative ones. You are just watching this "movie," and imagine that the stone is now connecting your center in the throat or heart with its center in the throat or heart, like a glowing bridge.

  • For better visualization, you can even point the stone toward the person. You don’t need to do anything else—just let the fluorite work to clear your relationship at the level of the chosen centers.

  • Your concentration doesn’t need to be long, and you can end it after a few minutes.

  • A more advanced and stronger version of this ritual is for those who can focus on connecting at the level of both centers simultaneously. In this case, place the stone between your throat and heart and create a bridge from your two centers to the other person's two centers. If you have two stones, you can also create two bridges.