When ordering paintings and pyramids together with smaller products, please allow for the paintings and pyramids to be delivered separately due to their oversize.

Shamanic Rituals with Clear Quartz

In our blog, we have prepared 3 powerful rituals for you that will certainly enrich your spiritual work. You can practice the first two daily and energy work to protect the territory according to your intuition.

Ritual of Personal Cleansing

Suitable for getting rid of emotional pressure or parasitic thoughts.

  • Sit or lie down in a quiet place and take three deep breaths in and out. Then grasp the crystal in your hands.
  • Close your eyes and let all unpleasant thoughts and worries come out nicely, watch where you feel the most pressure, where you feel the most discomfort in your body. If you feel it in your head and upper centers, hold the stone to your forehead, and with each inhale imagine washing your head with light from above, and with each exhalation direct the current into the stone. If you perceive the problem in another area of ​​the body, proceed in the same way by inhaling the light into the back and exhaling forward into the stone. It is very effective, feel free to share your results with us!
  • The stone must then be cleaned.

Charging ritual

Suitable for exhaustion and recovery.

  • Sit or lie down in a quiet place and take three calm breaths in and out.
  • Place the stone on the area or energy center that you perceive as the most weakened. If you are dealing with health issues, definitely place it on the pelvic area. For overall exhaustion, place it on the Solar Plexus.
  • Now visualize a Divine light or fire in front of you like a large sun, whose rays shine on you more and more intensely.
  • With each inhalation, breathe in this light through the stone into the weakened area, and with each exhalation, let it dissolve within your body. The stone acts as a “magnifying glass” or amplifier of healing rays.

 Sergio's Ritual of Territory Protection

Peruvian shaman Don Sergio recommended practicing the following ritual for protection, increasing the vibrations of the territory, and for communication with “Apu” (protective spirits) during his visit to Europe in the spring of 2022.

  • Find a suitable place in the landscape that is ideally elevated to encompass as much of the land as possible (native peoples often bury stones in the mountains).
  • Sit quietly at the chosen spot and perform a brief concentration with the stone. You can cleanse yourself and the stone with smudging tools before the ceremony. Place the crystal in front of you or on your lap.
  • Breathe deeply three times in and out to calm the mind, and gaze out at the landscape for a while. Then close your eyes and visualize the entire area that needs protection: all valleys, meadows, forests, streams, fields, houses, gardens, as well as any ugly or destroyed places. Mentally map it, walk around it, or circle it.
  • Next, focus on your heart and “embrace” the entire area with your heart. You can also perceive it as “drawing” the landscape into your heart. Be aware of your love for it, your desire to help, care for, and protect it.
  • Now open your eyes and draw the crystal towards your heart. Direct your desire and exhale from your heart into the stone in front of you. You can also say an affirmation: “May this stone be a symbol of my love and protection for this territory…” and you can mention the local name or title. Then say, “Highest powers of light, goodness, and love, connect with this stone, connect with this crystal, and make it the strongest radiating source. Stay constantly connected to it!” After a moment of concentration, say, “May it be so now.”
  • After the sacred ceremony, bury the stone in the chosen space. You can mark the spot, but discreetly, to avoid discovery and possible theft of the stones. You can return to the place and evoke this moment again, strengthening everything further.
  • The spatial range of the effect of this ritual depends on the size of the radiating source and the strength of your intention. This is not dogma, but for reference, with a stone weighing around 80g and a height of around 10 cm, protection extends approximately 2.5 km to 12 km from the site of the ritual. Larger stones increase the area of influence.